For today’s productivity and tomorrow’s profitability
With simple setup and minimal investment, the VideojetConnect™ Insight Line Intelligence can give you transparency into your packaging line operation – visibility that empowers you to maximize production throughput and reduce operating costs.

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The goal
You need to drive production output, maximize equipment performance and focus your employees on high-impact activities.
The reality
Accessing packaging line performance in real-time is difficult. Full-blown SCADA systems can provide access to data, but they are expensive and complicated to use. To simplify, some producers depend on manual collection of data, but this practice is laborious and inaccurate. For lack of a better way to access data, manufacturers often go without it.
What if…
You could see exactly what’s working and what isn’t, manage your daily packaging line output and collect data with every single production run?
Then you could fix problems quickly, engage your workforce in a timely manner, meet your output goals and identify actions to continuously improve performance.
VideojetConnect™ Insight makes it easy

Automated Printer Data Collection
- Line status
- Production count
- Production rate

Your Input
- Designate printers on packaging lines
- Production targets (rates or total)
- Production schedules
- Downtime codes

Actionable Insight
- throughput vs. targets, with projections
- OEE and efficiency by:
- Line
- Production run
- Shift
- Downtime Pareto charts
Are you ready to flip the switch and start turning data into action?
It’s easier than you think.
Minimized investment and simple set-up
- Offered as a cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) on a factory-level basis
- Available as a yearly subscription with low monthly payments
- No installation or going maintenance required
- Simple self-configuration to get up and running
Identify areas for improvement
- Review performance data over multiple packaging lines
- Track metrics over time to spot lines that are underperforming
- Deep dive into details related to dips in productivity
Manage Your daily production
- At-a-glance understanding of whether your packaging lines are on track to meet your production targets
- Provides visibility to projected shortfalls allowing for quicker adjustments
Engage your workforce
- Places easy-to-use efficiency tools in the hands of front-line operators
- Helps users to achieve daily goals and lead the charge for continuous improvement charge
Think about it.
Your Videojet printer is on your line, all day, every day. It sees everything and can provide an easier way to help gather actionable data from across your larger production, far beyond just the printer.
It can track things such as finished goods data, packaging line production rates and line stops, quantities produced and time frames, and more. The data is there for the taking.
*To utilize VideojetConnectTM a local network connection is required between your Videojet printers and an Edge server. The Edge server will need to have an outbound-only Internet connection. Please contact Videojet for more details on how to establish required connectivity.