Pharma Substrates: Medical masks

Coding on medical masks

Surgical masks and respirators are considered personal protective
equipment (PPE) and are therefore medical devices.
They are subject to local regulations such as the US UDI system
and the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and
must be labelled accordingly. Videojet can help mask
manufacturers comply with these legal requirements
by offering innovative coding solutions for masks and
mask packaging.

Coding on face masks –Videojet offers solutions for coding products that help in the fight against COVID-19 and other health issues. With Videojet printers and lasers, you can print barcodes on masks. You can also mark dates, traceability codes, and product information on PPE including medical masks, face shields, and N95 respirators.

New Equipment Sales: (877) 960-1272

Service & Support: (800) 843-3610


Contact Us:

New Equipment Sales: (877) 960-1272
Service & Support: (800) 843-3610

Videojet can help you print on masks and mask packaging

  • Identify the ideal coding solution for your product or packaging
  • Integrate the solution into your packaging line
  • Offer solutions designed to eliminate coding errors, jams and misapplied labels
  • Help you meet customer, distributor and regulatory requirements

Coding and marking solutions for medical masks and mask packaging

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